Vision Statement
For a better world! L&T shall pursue eco-friendly growth, promoting a culture of sustainability and innovation, and thereby contribute towards a better world.
ESG, or the Environmental, Social and Governance Parameters that impact the functioning of a business define a company’s core reason for being and result in a positive impact on the world. They reflect our strategy and initiatives toward a better planet and equitable growth.
- Environment: To minimise the impact on the environment due to our manufacturing, operations and processes, L&T Heavy Engineering focuses on mitigation, transition and adaptation across:
- Climate change and GHGs
- Water and wastewater management
- Waste and hazardous material management
- Biodiversity
Our green initiatives will contribute towards achieving L&T’s Carbon & Water Neutrality goals by 2040 & 2035 respectively.
- Social: Assesses a company’s relative social impact and associated risk from societal actions, including from its direct and indirect employees, customers, and the communities in which it operates. For us, it is the contribution of a company to fairness in society. This reflects in our labour practices, health & safety, employee engagement, human rights, community relations, local economic contributions, and more.
- Governance: We represent the highest standards in business ethics, data security, capital allocations, supply chain management, data privacy and security, governance structure & engagement, policies, external disclosures, and advocacy.
Green House Gases Emission Reduction Scope

Overall Emission Reduction Targets for FY26-AMNHEC
- Scope-1 Energy Efficiency improvement (over FY21): 10%
- Scope-1 Energy Substitution (from fossil fuel to renewable fuels): 5%
- Scope-2 Energy Efficiency improvement (over FY21): 12.5%
- Scope-2 Energy substitution (renewable power as % of total electricity): 50%
Renewable Journey at HE Hazira

A M Naik Heavy Engineering Complex Projections
- Water Neutrality Projections
- Efficiency Improvement & % Recycling - 5% YoY
- Rainwater Harvesting - 30% YoY
- Energy Conservation FY21-22
- Power Savings: 3.55 Lakh kWh
- Gas Savings: 2.95 Lakh SCM of NG
Green Initiatives at A M Naik Heavy Engineering Complex

- Ecosystem restoration by converting existing turf (lawn area) to non-turf (dense tree plantation)
- Native species (Salt resistance) having survival rate of more than 90% (Borsalli, Karanj, Jamun, Bahunia,Indian Almond etc.) & high CO2 sequestration capacity (Banyan tree, Peepal, Neem, Udumbar etc.)
- Kindles natural biodiversity
- Mangrove project: Mangroves are considered under ‘Blue Carbon’ and they help in being Nature Positive. We have demarcated 1 acre for mangroves for afforestation.
- Urban Afforestation: This initiates ecosystem restoration through a nature-based solution. We have demarcated 2 acres for urban afforestation.
- Installation of water saving nozzles and flow regulators
- Up to 70% water saving (i.e., 12-15 liters/Minute)
- Encouraging the use of Green products, i.e., eco-friendly construction materials, having less carbon footprints throughout their cradle to grave analysis, based on their feasibility checks
- Introduced ecofriendly alternative for plastic bags, i.e., Garbage bag/bin liner
- 100% Plastic free, not under plastic ban, flexible and leakproof, made from plant extracts
- Upgradation of Indian Green Building Council (IGBC)certification
- ESG Awareness Campaigns